Dr. Stephen Volz Assistant Administrator for Satellite and Information Services, NOAA NOAA’s Dr. Stephen Volz presents…
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Casey Swails Deputy Associate Administrator, NASA NASA’s Casey Swails presents “NASA 2024: Onward and Upward” that…
Dr. Sarah Kapnick Chief Scientist National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Dr. Kapnick presents “NOAA’s Role in…
Dr. Nicola Fox presents “Inspired Science: Powered by NASA” that includes recent highlights, launches and sciences…
Dr. Makenzie Lystrup presents “We revolutionize knowledge of the Earth and the universe through scientific discovery…
Dr. Robert Braun presents “Space@APL”, a conversation on the space science and technology, latest missions including…
Dr. Christyl C. Johnson presents “A Focus on the Future” for NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center…
This presentation offers a panel discussion of GSFC’s GOES-T project moderated by Michelle Smith. The panelist…
Bob Cabana, presents “The Future of NASA: Looking Close, Looking Far” that highlights what is currently…
This presentation offers a panel discussion of LUCY and Studying the Trojan Asteroids moderated by Liz…
One of the key components of space weather are the energetic particles – pieces of atoms…
The Engage Series has teamed up with the Getting to Know Goddard Series and the Maryland…
Using space-based telescopes, we’ve searched for planets and tracked the evolution of stars and galaxies. We…
This featured topic is about the forthcoming launch of the Webb Space Telescope, which is set…
This featured topic is about a forthcoming NASA mission, the Laser Communications Relay Demonstration.